Most important day of the year

The 52 weeks of last year were very eventful for the 4Service workforce. In the HRM and HSEQ departments, they not only coped with the various crises of the pandemic, but also considered how the company should tackle the many opportunities that the future is sure to bring.

Good working conditions

4Service has a workforce of about 4,000 people. Four of them work in the HRM department, including HRM manager Anine Tennøe.

“We want to be, and depend on, being flexible and on managing new tasks quickly,” says Anine Tennøe.

She and the three others in the department support the company’s managers with HRM, and also safeguard development and resolve any challenges.

“During my three years with the company we’ve increased the workforce from 2,500 to 4,000 people. This has naturally resulted in more tasks for us in HRM, but the solution is not always to increase the size of the department. Our aim is never to become bureaucratic, but rather to train and include the managers who are closest to operations.”

Anine Tenne

Weeks 50 and 51

Mot slutten av fjoråret bestemte regjeringen seg nok en gang for å stenge ned deler av samfunnet. Smitten steg, og det samme gjorde frustrasjonen. Tennøe forklarer:

– Den 13. desember kom det nye råd rundt delvis nedstengning og nye tiltak. Vi så oss nødt til å permittere 400 ansatte, primært innenfor mat og servering, hvor store deler av vår virksomhet ble stengt over natten.

Fire dager senere, på fredagskvelden, kom regjeringens første forslag til lønnsstøtteordning. Formålet var at færre bedrifter skulle permittere sine ansatte, men foreløpig fremsto de offentlige ordningene som både kompliserte og utilstrekkelige. Ordningene ble endret flere ganger frem til 21. desember, og selv om det fortsatt var betydelig usikkerhet rundt det økonomiske ved å ta de ansatte tilbake, traff konsernledelsen et viktig valg:

– Dagen etter, altså onsdag 22. desember, trakk vi tilbake alle de 400 permitteringsvarslene. Jubelen sto i taket! Bedre julegave var det ikke mulig å gi, smiler Tennøe.

Gjennom noen hektiske dager hadde konsernledelsen regnet seg frem til at selv om den offentlige ordningen kanskje ikke ville dekke de økonomiske tapene, kun en mindre andel, ville 4Service takke ja og heller se på kostnadene som en investering i de ansatte.

– Alle jeg snakket med før og etter juleferien, har vært svært positive til den avgjørelsen, legger Mydland til.

4Service, med konsernsjef Tor Rønhovde i spissen, har i lang tid sagt at «medarbeiderne er vår viktigste ressurs». Da det blåste som verst og testen var som størst, sto konsernledelsen fjellstøtt bak ambisjonen om å ha bransjens beste arbeidsplass.

– Med mange medarbeidere er informasjonsflyten avgjørende. Via en kollega fikk jeg høre at en kunde i Oslo-området hadde fått med seg hvordan vi håndterte kommunikasjonen internt. De var mer enn imponert! Godt arbeid innen HR og HMSK er absolutt en konkurransefordel, sier Mydland.

Thomas Mydland

Rock steady promises

During the past year, Anine Tennøe and Thomas Mydland have not only worked on the immediate challenges. They also took time to look ahead.

“In 2021, we started up a new employer branding project,” says Anine Tennøe.

The project was originally planned to begin the year before but was postponed due to the pandemic’s many challenges.

“Essentially, it’s about how we attract, develop and not least retain employees. We have conducted workshops and included large areas of the company, from the Group Management to the people delivering our services. The feedback we have received has shaped what we call the “Employee Promise” (Medarbeiderløftet). This represents us as a company and will be used actively in our communication in 2022,” says the HRM manager.

The “Employee Promise” is built on four key statements:

1. We are proud of our employees and deliveries.

2. We have confidence in our employees at every level.

3. We thrive in a fast-paced environment.

4. We work in teams and like to help each other and our customers.

Welcome to the future

Thomas Mydland has also been gearing up for what may come:

“We’re rigged up for both known and unknown challenges. During 2021 we created new and adjusted existing contingency plans, trained managers and had the opportunity to show our employees how we as a company handle crises.”

The project was initiated directly by the Group Management, with Thomas Mydland responsible for implementation.

“More specifically, we conducted crisis management exercises, including offshore. At a time when society is experiencing what must be seen as the greatest crisis of the post-war period, it’s been incredibly exciting to be part of the crisis-handling team.”

The HRM and HSEQ activities rest on a sound foundation. The future is welcomed by both Anine Tennøe and Thomas Mydland.

“We’re well-prepared for what is to come, because we have found a good balance between operational and strategic aspects. In addition, we have good relations and enjoy the trust of the rest of the company,” Anine Tennøe says.

Thomas Mydland nods affirmatively and adds:

“In 2021, we prepared the company for the new normal. We’ve put new systems in place and improved communication. This will give us even better opportunities to inform, involve and influence in the future,” he concludes.